Sunday, 30 September 2012

Little things!

It's the little things that please me most of the time......

So, when I saw this mini travel iron for a quid in a table top sale I had to have it.  It goes just right on top of my mini ironing board (£3.50) from Ikea.  In our house I am extremely lucky that the only time I ever do ironing is when ironing fabric I am sewing..... but this does mean the iron and ironing board are often in use when I want them.  Now I just set up my mini kit in the kitchen and I am ridiculously happy! (Plus this iron seems to work better than our old ordinary sized one - but don't tell Mark!)

I have finished my October hipbee block for Jan early ....... This is the first star I have ever made, and I was pretty daunted by this. But actually found it quite straight forward.  So now I want to give smaller and more adventurous stars a go.  Check out our flickr group for some really amazing stars, including stars within stars and weeny stars.

Maybe I will make stars for my mouthy stitches 2 bag......... 



  1. Glad you had fun making this - it looks great! Thank you! x Love your little iron and ironing board especially - wish we had an Ikea nearer than Wembley!

  2. Your little ironing set is just perfect for sewing. The star block turned out well. Do you have a pattern for smaller stars? I can help if you don't. Di x

  3. what a great mini ironing board, I need one of those too! Love the star you've made for Jan

  4. Fab star for Jan - hard to believe it's your first star effort!
