Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year

Happy 2012 to everyone who reads my blog.

None of us know what the year ahead will bring.  All I ask is that each of us is given the ability to relax and enjoy the best bits, and the strength and sense of humour to make it through the tough bits.

I return to work next week, having not worked at all in 2011, so that is currently pre-occupying my mind. 

But, I intend to keep a sense of balance, and to use my creative side, and my sewing as a way of keeping sane!

Here is my list of new sewing things I would like to do in 2012:-

1) Participate in a sewing swap - any good (and not too difficult ones) that anyone could recommend would be good.

2) Do another Sew Mama Sew give away

3) Work out what exactly a 'bee' is, and hopefully make some squares to go towards a bee or charity quilt.

4) Make a small quilt

5) Get my sewing machine serviced!

But...... huge excitement for me in 2012 - with trepidation I have booked a one day ticket for the Fat Quarterly Sewing Retreat in London.  I will be the bewildered quiet one in the corner (if anyone else is going let me know).

I look forward to hearing and seeing what you all get up to in the coming year



  1. Happy New Year! What day did you book for in June? I'll be there on Saturday.... Maybe see you there?

  2. Wow, I wish I could go!

    I think there is one spot left in the Stash Bee:

    I am doing it and think it will be lots of fun!

  3. Hi. Don't be the quiet one in the corner. I am going and know no one. Come and sit with me in my corner. I am sure it will be a good weekend. Di xo
